The Newish Release from "Wiltz" , was titled "Sea Dog" and
will set you back 5 chrisrmas Units. ( unless you have a Funky connection)
However Father Christmas sack is not empty.
Just last month "The Nostalgia Tapes" was placed up for a Name Your Price.

From Wicklow in Ireland
Dave and
play some Straightforward
Math of the instrumental and pleasent on the Ear variety.
A live recording from K9 studio consists of three tracks.
All worth the downloading,
"Baba Ching Live"
plus there's the Original Self titled ( Pictured Right )
and a Split with the Band "Facing" -- see below.
Start with Nostalgia Tapes here,
"Wiltz"_-_Bandcamp_-_"The Nostalgia Tapes"
Catch the latest News, on the
farcebook_-_Wiltz the band_
- - - -
"Facing" a 4 piece band From 'Dublin'
I have to admit im not too keen on the prog like vocal's on the 2010
"Facing" 6 track
self titl release.
This track though is excellent.
From the Split with "Wiltz"
Altogether 10 tracks of the Name your Price variety to tempt you with.
get em here,
"Facing"_-_Bandcamp_-_"Wiltz Facing Split"
and the farce,
facebook_-_"Facing band"
N er JOYze.
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Make sure you dont miss 90's post hardcore Excellence 'Lowercase'
on the equally excellent i hate the 90's blog, jez here,